Krishan, Yuvraj. “The Hair on the Buddha’s Head and U%u1E63%u1E47%u012B%u1E63a.” East and West (1966): 275-289. Print.
The article explains the features of Budhaa as all knowing, omnipotent and ubiquitous. The sculptures of Buddha have exaggerated Buddha’s features to make them stand out sufficiently. According to this article, the elongated ear lobes thus show that Buddha hears all that we say wherever we are, thus making Buddha all knowing. This presents the strength of the deity that the whole religion is based upon, and thus the abilities of the deity must stand out in all the aspects the religion manifests. The ear lobes accentuate this by showing the abilities of the deity.
Lawergren, Bo. “Buddha as a musician: an illustration of a J%u0101taka story.”Artibus Asiae 54.3/4 (1994): 226-240. Print.
This is an article that provides information about Buddha as a musician with long ear lobes. The story of Guttila and Musila, who were prolific harpists, describes Buddha’s long ear lobes which symbolize their inclusion in the deity of Buddha. The populations are deeply interested in music to levels that can inspire them. The artistic nature of music makes the people relate to aspects of themselves that they never knew before. Buddha as a prolific harpist appeals to the audiences with his music, and his ears epitomize a symbol of affection.
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Seow, Jeffrey Chin Hean. Legend of the laughing Buddha. 2nd ed. Singapore: Asiapac, 2003. Print.
Seow is a caricature artist who reviews various cultures of the world and puts them in illustrations with explanations. This book on Buddhism explains the sculpture of Buddha and his peculiar characteristics. He scrupulously reviews various features of the statue to explain the details of Buddhist religion.
The information on Buddha’s ear lobes in this book clarifies that Buddha had a lot of wisdom, hence the elongated ear lobes. The Buddhist culture relates the ears of Buddha with a patience to listen before taking premature action. The elongated ear lobes signify the wisdom of the deity that has accumulated from extensive listening in life. This makes his intellect incomparable to any other person’s.
Abhaya, Annen. Email interview. 4 Jan. 2013. Web.
Annen Abhaya is a Buddhist monk in Nepal who is conversant with the details of the religion for more than 40 years. He has been an ordained Buddhist monk ever since 1996 learning various doctrines of the religion. He has his own views on the statue of Buddha that he shared during the interview.
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Annen linked the elongated ear lobes of Buddha to his ability to listen people’s prayers. As a deity, he listens to the prayers of numerous people, and thus the long ears served to comfort faithful that their prayers were heard. Several people pray for various things on earth, and for that single deity, this might seem too much to sort out. Therefore, the elongated ear lobes are a comfort to the faithful that the deity has the ability to hear all their prayers.
Gunasena, Amal. “Appreciating Anagarika Dharmapala as the leading spirit in the propagation of Buddhism in the West.” The gift of Dhamma excels all other gifts – sabba danam dhamma danam jinati. University of Sri Lanka. The Buddhist Society 58 Eccleston Square London SW1V 1PH, London. 16 Dec. 2012. Keynote speech.
Dr. Gunasena from the University of Sri Lanka has given several keynote speeches about Buddhism that provide an insight into the details of the religion. This keynote speech delivered in London appreciates Western assimilation of this religion.
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The lecture explained the significance of the elongated ear lobes of Buddha as accommodating. This was a welcome to the rest of the world to join the religion. Thus, this served to show the welcoming nature of the members of this religion to the rest of the world. The various cultures and languages in the world can fit into the Buddhist religion as Buddha can accommodate them despite their diversification.
Simon, John . “Buddha Sculpture.” 2013. JPG file. Web.
This photograph was taken in Ngong Ping, Lantau Island in Hong Kong. It is a photo of Buddha Amoghassidi. It stands for the peaceful coexistence of man, nature and religion. It has all the features of a Buddha statue including the elongated ear lobes.
This photograph presents the actual nature of the ear lobes of Buddha that are being analyzed. It gives a reader a symbolic interpretation that the elongated ear lobes are a feature of a certain race or culture on earth. Right from the first sight of the statue, one notices the elongated ears as a distinguishing feature of the religion.
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Shaneman, Jhampa. Email interview. 4 Jan. 2012. Web.
Jhampa is an ordained Buddhist monk who provides regular consultations in the Buddhist religion. He studied Mahayana Buddhism in Dharamsala, India from 1971 until 1984. Jhampa gives consultations via web-sites enlightening the followers of Buddha.
According to Jhampa, Buddha’s ear lobes signify beauty in the Eastern world. It indicates that religion and its deity were of good physical and spiritual nature as well. This creates a good public image for the religion. Therefore, the elongated ears attract believers in Buddhism.
Tingley, Nancy. Buddhas. Pomegranate Communications, 2009. Print.
Nancy Tingley is the bearer of a doctorate in art history. She reviews aspects of man’s life that inspire legions. Tingley reviews the artistic nature of the world cultures. This book reviews the way the Buddhist religion has influenced the world.
In reference to the book, it is examined that the elongated ear lobes of Buddha are a determining feature for Buddhists. The ears are a feature of the religion that makes it stand out from the rest. Therefore, Tingley views the years as one of the several ways in which the Buddhists stamp their identity to the world.
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Burgess, Jas. “Woolly Hair and Elongated Ear-Lobes of Buddha.” Origin and Development of Buddhism in India 1 (2008): 45.
This article goes into the origins of the Buddhist religion. Buddha as a prince adorns several ornaments and his features were of royal finesse. The article claims that the ears were probably a family trait of the prince. According to the article, the facial features of the Buddha are a result of luxurious living.
Bhattacharya, A. K.“Buddha, stone images of “his manifestations.”” Early and Buddhist Stone Sculpture Of Japan (2004): 37.
In this work the author emphasizes on how the elongated ears of Buddha made him a deity. This was a feature of the mahapurusa and laksanas. It linked him to crucial spiritual figures in the beliefs of the region. As such, it affirmed the superiority of the deity that the whole Buddhist religion has been based upon for ages.