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The Baroque

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Free «The Baroque» Essay Sample

The Baroque was painted as a complex period full of plurality of revelations and differing tendencies especially in the light of modernity as seen by most European countries of the Enlightenment. Baroque was a period characterized by many voices with numerous developing and subaltern discourses that contributed to Enlightenment’s scientific and rational thought. In a contradicting way, in writing of the grand narrative about modernization, some criteria from the Baroque were used whilst some part of the original place of belonging was erased. Baroque is a period of complex stylistic use and contradictory portrayed by works ways of eliciting emotional states which attract the senses dramatically such as drama, grandeur and luxurious richness (Isacoff 130).  

While keeping the above manipulation of history into consideration, the Baroque can be traced to date as it provides a lead to modernity of today. This is because it joined with Enlightenment in a lively, multifaceted, and conflicting discourse in coming up with a modern modernity experienced today.  Contemporary contradictory art is where an artist denies being part of what others say so. Donald Judd for example, minimalist, but he did not view himself as so.

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Jacques Louis David legacy can be still being seen today since the works of Gros, Gérard, and Girodet, (all of who were his students) are highly polished and carefully modeled.  Politically David works were recognized by Napolean Bonaparte when he rose to power dramatically when he commissioned artists to document history in paintings as it unfolded. In fact he was recognized as the “First Painter of the Emperor” in 1804.

Francisco de Goya works in politics can be seen when he started working for Spain’s royal family. He was a painter for the royal court and rose to get admitted into the Royal Academy. Some of his works include “The Duke and Duchess of Osuna and their Children”. He also painted King Charles IV’s family which is part of his famous works. He was part of the people who looked into plight of the Spanish people in matters of repression, corruption, and greed which were common in his time (Isacoff 144). 

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