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An Interview

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Free «An Interview» Essay Sample

I had an interview with my new Georgian friend Nino Kvatashidze on the 27th of October. Nino has recently moved from her homeland and became our neighbor. We decided to meet in the café over a cup of tea in the relaxed atmosphere. I consider the interview to be successful. My friend was open with me and gave me the possibility to ask directly all necessary questions. As it was my first experience of conducting the interview, my friend understood the excitement I had and gave detailed answers to my questions, which made the whole process much easier.

If I had been born a Middle Easterner, my life would be quite interesting and diverse. I would live in Batumi – one of the biggest cities of Georgia. I would be 18 years-old girl graduating from school next year. I would have two close friends – Michael and Victory. Michael is dreaming of becoming a musician. He, being a part of a small music, composes pop-songs on his own. Together with his mates they organize music evenings in diverse entertainment facilities. Michael has a huge support thanks to his friends who assist him in popularization of his music in social networks and music websites. Victory is fond of handmade art. She has inclination to making bijouterie, home decors, clothes and toys by her hands using different vintage beads, buttons, keys and other attractive items. Usually she presents her works of art to her friends’ birthdays, and everyone considers her as a skilful and creative girl. She is dreaming of becoming an outstanding designer of handmade accessories and opening her own store of extraordinary things.

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Family is the highest value for Georgian people. That is why I would usually have dinner together with my parents Zurab and Lali and my elder brother Irakli sitting at the cozy round table with lighted candles and flowers in a vase. During our meal time, we would discuss the news of each family member. Firstly, my parents, archeologists, would tell what interesting events took place during their working day. Then, my brother and I would tell news about school and college.

Once a week, my grandmother Irma and grandfather Ivane come to see us in the evening. We spend quality time together watching films, play table games and sitting near the fireplace. My grandmother spends most of her time knitting and making embroidery. It has been her hobby for more than 10 years. My grandfather enjoys making home wine. He has a small vineyard which provides our family and his friends with white and red home wine. My grandfather even cooperates with some grocery shops where he successfully sells his high-quality wine. He is very excited about such business, which is at the same time his favorite pastime.

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My parents also spend time with their friends with pleasure. If I do not have my own plans for the evening, I usually join their company because their mates are interesting personalities. Besides, they take their children for such encounters. We often go together to restaurants or have meal at our friends’ summer house.

Every person who is more than 16 years old is somehow connected with government and authorities. If I had been born Georgian my interaction with authorities would include receiving some civil documents like passport, driver’s license and medical documents. Another aspect that would make me deal with government is voting and choosing president, mayor and political parties. There is also a popular movement in our city which is obligatory for all young people, school kids and students. It consists of cleaning green areas such as parks, gardens and forests in order to help the municipal organization with this long and difficult process.

Speaking about my leisure, I would spend most of my time reading books and watching TV because I love to be aware of new media and literature products. In Georgia there are few major national channels and programs which often show news, talk shows and movies. Georgian people are widely portrayed in the world media. All spheres of life in Georgia are usually presented in the world news in good light. However, sometimes there can appear different unpleasant political aspects the same as about any other country.

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Concerning movies with participation of Georgian actors and actresses, it should be mentioned that they are very successful. Georgian people are famous for their artistic abilities and charm; they are widely represented in Hollywood and European movie industry and usually take part in comedian and romantic films. As humor is one of the brightest characteristics of Georgians, they are often artists of the comedian genre. In culture and literature spheres Georgia is known for having great experience and rich background.

Talking about school history books and extent to which Georgian people are represented there, I would tell that commentaries are mixed. Regarding the aspect of participating in wars and other hostilities, Georgia is displayed as an active aggressor as well as country defending its independence people (“Georgia,” n.d.).

In general, Georgian people have a positive image in the world. These people are considered to be reliable partners and good friends. People of Georgian nationality are remarkable for their hospitality, charm, humor, charisma and the ability to cook tasty food. By the way, Georgian cuisine is very rich and varied. It is not a problem to find Georgian restaurants in different big cities, and they usually are full of people. Georgian people taking leadership positions in government, business and education have stern views and strong severe characters. In business, Georgians are considered to be reliable, fair and honorable people (“Georgia,” n.d.).

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If I were Georgian, I would feel confident and comfortable in the society. I would not have special privileges or restrictions, as Georgians basically do not experience any harassment from other nationalities. Georgians have fine reputation among others. I might have an opportunity to find a perspective job and build bright career because everyone knows about brilliant enterprising and business-making abilities of Georgian people.

I had an interview with my new Georgian friend Nino Kvatashidze on the 27th of October. Nino has recently moved from her homeland and became our neighbor. We decided to meet in the café over a cup of tea in the relaxed atmosphere. I consider the interview to be successful. My friend was open with me and gave me the possibility to ask directly all necessary questions. As it was my first experience of conducting the interview, my friend understood the excitement I had and gave detailed answers to my questions, which made the whole process much easier.

If I had been born a Middle Easterner, my life would be quite interesting and diverse. I would live in Batumi – one of the biggest cities of Georgia. I would be 18 years-old girl graduating from school next year. I would have two close friends – Michael and Victory. Michael is dreaming of becoming a musician. He, being a part of a small music, composes pop-songs on his own. Together with his mates they organize music evenings in diverse entertainment facilities. Michael has a huge support thanks to his friends who assist him in popularization of his music in social networks and music websites. Victory is fond of handmade art. She has inclination to making bijouterie, home decors, clothes and toys by her hands using different vintage beads, buttons, keys and other attractive items. Usually she presents her works of art to her friends’ birthdays, and everyone considers her as a skilful and creative girl. She is dreaming of becoming an outstanding designer of handmade accessories and opening her own store of extraordinary things.

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Family is the highest value for Georgian people. That is why I would usually have dinner together with my parents Zurab and Lali and my elder brother Irakli sitting at the cozy round table with lighted candles and flowers in a vase. During our meal time, we would discuss the news of each family member. Firstly, my parents, archeologists, would tell what interesting events took place during their working day. Then, my brother and I would tell news about school and college.

Once a week, my grandmother Irma and grandfather Ivane come to see us in the evening. We spend quality time together watching films, play table games and sitting near the fireplace. My grandmother spends most of her time knitting and making embroidery. It has been her hobby for more than 10 years. My grandfather enjoys making home wine. He has a small vineyard which provides our family and his friends with white and red home wine. My grandfather even cooperates with some grocery shops where he successfully sells his high-quality wine. He is very excited about such business, which is at the same time his favorite pastime.

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My parents also spend time with their friends with pleasure. If I do not have my own plans for the evening, I usually join their company because their mates are interesting personalities. Besides, they take their children for such encounters. We often go together to restaurants or have meal at our friends’ summer house.

               Every person who is more than 16 years old is somehow connected with government and authorities. If I had been born Georgian my interaction with authorities would include receiving some civil documents like passport, driver's license and medical documents. Another aspect that would make me deal with government is voting and choosing president, mayor and political parties. There is also a popular movement in our city which is obligatory for all young people, school kids and students. It consists of cleaning green areas such as parks, gardens and forests in order to help the municipal organization with this long and difficult process.

Speaking about my leisure, I would spend most of my time reading books and watching TV because I love to be aware of new media and literature products. In Georgia there are few major national channels and programs which often show news, talk shows and movies. Georgian people are widely portrayed in the world media. All spheres of life in Georgia are usually presented in the world news in good light. However, sometimes there can appear different unpleasant political aspects the same as about any other country.

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Concerning movies with participation of Georgian actors and actresses, it should be mentioned that they are very successful. Georgian people are famous for their artistic abilities and charm; they are widely represented in Hollywood and European movie industry and usually take part in comedian and romantic films. As humor is one of the brightest characteristics of Georgians, they are often artists of the comedian genre. In culture and literature spheres Georgia is known for having great experience and rich background.

Talking about school history books and extent to which Georgian people are represented there, I would tell that commentaries are mixed. Regarding the aspect of participating in wars and other hostilities, Georgia is displayed as an active aggressor as well as country defending its independence people (“Georgia,” n.d.).

In general, Georgian people have a positive image in the world. These people are considered to be reliable partners and good friends. People of Georgian nationality are remarkable for their hospitality, charm, humor, charisma and the ability to cook tasty food. By the way, Georgian cuisine is very rich and varied. It is not a problem to find Georgian restaurants in different big cities, and they usually are full of people. Georgian people taking leadership positions in government, business and education have stern views and strong severe characters. In business, Georgians are considered to be reliable, fair and honorable people (“Georgia,” n.d.).

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If I were Georgian, I would feel confident and comfortable in the society. I would not have special privileges or restrictions, as Georgians basically do not experience any harassment from other nationalities. Georgians have fine reputation among others. I might have an opportunity to find a perspective job and build bright career because everyone knows about brilliant enterprising and business-making abilities of Georgian people.

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