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Free «Self-Assessment» Essay Sample

Potential for improving education standards

Personal mastery refers to the demonstration of excellent skills and techniques by applying higher degree of competence and professionalism in a given field. It is the capacity to showcase one’s skills or display great interpersonal skills. Personal mastery is therefore a skill, an action, or a process demonstrated by the master.

I posses the much needed skills and technical knowledge that if applied and supported by the other education stakeholders, then can transform the regional education problems that my region struggles with at the moment. The academic performance is slightly shy of the recommended average, hence calling for higher levels of personal mastery and skills. The application of this reach interpersonal skills and knowledge requires a collaborative efforts, including practicing, observation, emulation, and task identification.

Practical application of the skill

I have a rich experience in education sector having served in different positions at some of the leading education foundations and organizations in the country. For example, I have served as the organizing secretary at Community Based Organization (CBO), one of the major stakeholders in education sector. My long duration of service has given me a lot of experience in this field. Due to poor education standards, I initiated school visits sharing with students career related development. At some instances, I initiated discussions with parents and teachers in order to bring to board all the concerned parties to education to help us explore the potential causes of low academic performance among students. My desire to transform the educational sector faced a number of obstacles. The main barrier to reaching this set milestone was poor links and networks following undeveloped infrastructures. Although not fully eliminated, building of strong local coordination with the administrative authorities and state representatives helped in solving the problem of poor links and communication. My mentorship and counseling programs aimed at restoring sanity in these institutions received a big boost following a massive infrastructural development undertaken by the local authority, which improve the conditions of the transport sector. This implied regular trips to these institutions.

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Ability and personal goal

The vast experience acquired while serving at the CBO as the organizing secretary for over two years is a great sign in future improvements of education standards. Robbins and Judge (2009) have a suggestion that ‘people with positive core self-evaluations perform better than others and persist longer at making attempts to reach those goals’ (p. 20). The meager knowledge and experience associated with community interaction would be a plus in ensuring personal mastery long-term goals are realized. 

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