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Free «Education» Essay Sample

Most American schools are national and funded by the state budget. However, private schools are also important. Let’s consider pros and cons of both of them. Private schools have a much higher level of educational standards. As a rule, they guarantee that everyone will have an opportunity to study in a prestigious university. Each year, private schools are spending very large sums for the introduction of new educational technology and construction of sports facilities. The educational plan of private schools is rather democratic. Some of the required courses include mathematics, history, literature, English and sports. In many schools, the list also includes a foreign language. Other subjects the student can choose him or herself. Usually, children can also decide at what level they want to study a particular subject. Schools employ career advisors, who tell students what courses they need to select for the admission to the university of their choice. However, the main disadvantage of the private school is a cost of the education.

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Speaking about national schools, it should be mentioned that they are cheaper. However, these schools have lower educational standards and the usual class is 35-40 people in comparison to 15-18 people in private schools. The primary task of the national schools is to prepare children for the adult life and give knowledge of the main subjects. Children have to attend schools according to the place of residence except for children of the private schools. The basic administrative unit of the state education is educational district which boundaries usually coincide with the borders of the municipality, city or county. Issues of the establishment of educational standards, conducting examinations for pupils and school funding issues are resolved at the state level.

Personally I am studying in the national school and think that my school program is able to prepare me to the university. Moreover, it will be easier for me to adapt in a communal society. 

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