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Curriculum Development for Effective Teaching of Languages in High Schools

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Free «Curriculum Development for Effective Teaching of Languages in High Schools» Essay Sample


In this paper, the researcher seeks to review different curriculums developed for the learning of languages, then come up with one comprehensive curriculum for the effective teaching of languages in secondary schools.  

The Integrated Curriculum Model

The researcher intends use the Integrated Curriculum Model (ICM) to develop appropriate teaching methods and subject content. According to Fogarty (2012), Integrated Curriculum Model is an approach to curriculum development that seeks to implement a learning program enriched with interdisciplinary topics. Such topics are organized to cover overlapping concepts and contemporary teaching patterns and designs.

For effective teaching of languages in secondary schools, this cross-discipline approach incorporates the concepts of arguments and evidence applicable in mathematics and sciences in order to come up with the sound understanding and mastery of the language. The concepts are applied in the whole language skills such as listening, writing, reading and speaking (Center for Gifted Education, 2008).

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Theoretical Perspective and Explanation of the Curriculum Content

The best way to prepare students for success, both in school and after school, is to train them to be independent learners (Barbarin, 2009). The curriculum should, therefore, be set with contents that promote full and active participation of the learners. Integrated Curriculum approach stimulates students to acquire these skills by themselves.

The secret behind learning of a language is in the frequent practice of that language. It then follows that unless the students are willing and understand the need to acquire the skills, learning will be grounded. The curriculum content should encourage learners to work harder than the teacher.

Modifications for Students Learning a Second Language and Those with Special Needs

As the name ‘Integrated Curriculum Model’ suggests, this approach to teaching of languages provides for the incorporation of all the learners with little modifications. The approach uses common interdisciplinary concepts that would enable students learning a second language to grasp the language skills with a relative ease (Richards, 2001). In the same measure, promotion of active student’s participation helps teachers to identify students with special needs. The teacher can then adopt the appropriate teaching approach, relevant to the student’s need.

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