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Bates College

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Free «Bates College» Essay Sample

When I decided that I would go to a college, I researched many institutions. I knew I would attend a liberal arts college because its primary focus is to educate the entire student. Bates College is considered to be one of the greatest liberal arts colleges in the United States. It shows great devotion to student involvement. There is 10-1 student faculty ratio which makes classroom collaboration possible. Professors truly know their students. When carefully studying Bates College mission statement, one phrase stood out to me the most: “Bates educates the whole person through creative and rigorous scholarship in a collaborative residential community”. This inspires me to be a well-rounded student able to apply what I learn at Bates to other aspects of my life. It is particularly important to me because so many students miss the true college experience. Some students study too much and never have fun, while others have too much fun and never study. After reading Bates College Mission statement vowing to educate my whole person through creativity and community collaboration, I knew it was the school for me because it would challenge me while seeking to teach me how to think.

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Divergent thinking is important in today’s world. To be successful in modern society one must be able to think critically. It is easy to apply the concepts within the classroom, yet I want to be able to use the things I learn in my everyday life.

Challenging curriculum is very important in keeping students focus. Every student wants to experience true college life, but a challenging curriculum will force student to balance studying and fun. It will teach me responsibility and diligence.

College life should prepare one for life in the real world. Being a resident at Bates College will give me hands on experience with being away from home for the first time. I will have to adapt and become responsible for myself. I am pleased that Bates seeks to merge the college with the community experience.

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