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Verizon Company Change Communication Plan

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Free «Verizon Company Change Communication Plan» Essay Sample

In the contemporary world of business, companies and organizations whose future is anchored on their success in business operation have to keep revising their plans. The competition is intensely exacerbating on a day to day scale. Surviving in such arenas demands incorporation of new profitable ideas and sound management strategies for the organizations’ inputs. In this respect, Kotter, one of the renowned business idealists, developed a plan for the organization to ease the process of introducing change, assimilating change and living the change. Kotter’s 8 step model, especially steps 3, 4 and 5, win favor in formulation a communication plan that should be used by Verizon Company in an attempt to help the company conforming to the current business environment.

The company has to analyze the environment and identify the prospective turns in the market for the company’s products and services, then develop a vision of change that will enable all the stakeholders to visualize the reality.  Having a vision of change will enable stakeholders to channel their devotion and capabilities in realizing the values bestowed in that change. Moreover, the vision plays a motivational and guidance role, whose realization amplifies the desire to be among the changing driving team.  Once the change vision has been drafted, it should be the talk of the organization. There should be strong personalities who truly believe in the vision to champion change vision materialization.  In communicating the vision, it has to be used as the tool in solving ample grievances in the company, thus winning confidence in as many stakeholders as possible. However, according to Kotter, for realization of these solutions promised by the drafted vision, obstacles of change vision should be diluted if not dissolved. This will ensure a smooth adoption progress that enhances maximization of benefits in the company.  Resistance to change should be renounced, and amicable steps need to be taken to address these forces of resistance to change. According to Kotter, helping the stakeholders understand the imperativeness of the change scores higher in dealing with obstacles of change than bombarding and using force to drive change.

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In conclusion, an effective and efficient communication plan for change in Verizon Company will help the company maintain a competitive edge over competitors in the market. Therefore, instituting the stipulated communication plan will expedite company’s capability in adopting changes, thus securing a sizable market share.

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