Apple Computer Inc. is an American corporation that specializes in manufacturing of highly qualitative personal and tablet computers, music players (I-tunes), I-phones, the special software and operation system. This company was one of pioneers in the field of personal computers. It has designed the modern multitasking operating system with a graphical interface. Apple has established a unique reputation that can be compared with the cult due to innovative technologies and an aesthetic design usage in the electronic industry. In May 2011, Apple brand was recognized as the most expensive brand in the world ($ 153.3 billion) due to the ranking list of the international research agency Millward Brown.
In the current scenario of Apple Company performance, the core competencies of this company are a differentiation strategy and a value creation. The differentiation strategy is a strategy that can be used by the company in order to differentiate its product range and perform in different segments. It also refers to the process of the unique products’ development and marketing for different customer segments. Usually, the differentiation strategy is used when the company has some clear competitive advantages and can pay for the development and implementation of a complex advertising campaign. Therefore, Apple Inc. has a list of competitive advantages that includes such features as unique characteristics of the brand and its products, only the high premium prices, the highly qualitative customer services, a superior quality of products. Also, there is a prestige value that Apple’s products have, the quickly innovative technologies being rapidly designed and developed to satisfy all customer needs, and the fast technologies that can be improved. Also, Apple Company tends to value the creation of its brand. They are making everything to increase the worth of business. The company is focused on the better value creation for its customers purchasing the products and services of Apple.
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It was a long process of the company’s development during which it became profitable and successful. To create such strong core competencies the company had to come through a long way of failures, obstacles and problems. In the early history of the company, the creation and development were the strong willingness of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak to make a personal computer available for everyone. Their interest in electronics and creative ideas helped them to create the Apple I. A retired millionaire, Mike Markkula, was impressed by the technology and decided to invest $200,000 in the future of the company. This money was used to improve the errors of the Apple I and to create the Apple II with a graphical interface, a keyboard, and a monitor. The new Apple II became widely used; this brought high profits and fame to the company. The willingness of founders to design the best product persuaded them to improve the products’ characteristics all the time and to create the new ones for satisfying the customers’ needs. These two facts have created the company’s history.
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However, in the 90s, the company faced a decline of its performance. Many factors had led to this. The main factor that had broken the company’s image was the fail of the Apple III, It had many defects in its performance. Even the future improvement of this product did not get it as popular as the Apple II had been. Another factor that influenced on the company was the refuse to give licenses to Apple’s operational system to other manufactures. The new technology properties were used only for Apple Inc. Products. With these declines, the company wanted to be monopolistic, but with the introduction of Windows OS it has become impossible. The new OS has been installed for all IBM computers. That obtained a leading position in this industry. The Windows introduction has significantly decreased Apple’s market shares. Apple Inc. has realized its mistakes of the superior technology and created a consortium with IBM and Motorola companies.
Despite of the crises that this company has faced, now it is being the most valuable company in the world with its highly qualitative products and the customers’ support process. The founders of the company have overcome all obstacles in the way of its creation towards making its dreams come true.