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SDLC Method

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Free «SDLC Method» Essay Sample

Barnes & Noble – is one of the largest in the United States company which sales books. It is one of the world leaders in terms of turnover-selling books and services through the Internet and one of the first Internet-based services targeted to sell real goods of mass consumption. There are more than 758 stores in all 50 U.S. states and 636 college bookstores. It is clear that all of them have different sizes, so the hardware and software that is used in the bookstores differ between each other. All the bookstores are connected in the network that is run on the server. Large bookstores put all their orders, transaction on the server, so all such stores are always available for controlling, monitoring and screening. The big advantages of this system is that the sales managers can help customers to decide their problems with the books they want to buy, for example, after a little screening of information on the server the sales manager can recommend the customer to wait a little for the book he/she wants or just try to order it with the Internet. Less independent bookstores can use simple software on their computers to save the information about sales transactions and books that are in store.

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Barnes and Noble company uses the Oracle database operating systems, a new data warehouse using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 that is used on HP Integrity Superdome server equipped with a processor Intel Itanium.  Oracle Database – is the object-relational database management system that organise and simplify the process of data saving, using and controlling. This program helps not only to increase the quality and rate of the customer services, but also help to control and regulate the quantity of goods in stores, sales transactions and the available quantity of goods in every bookstore.

There are two persons in the Barnes & Noble company that are responsible for the qualified work of the systems and retail management. They are: David Deason, the V.P. of Development Barnes & Noble, Inc. and Mark Bottini, the V.P. and Director of Stores Barnes & Noble, Inc.  

Every business strives to be successful and high profitable. For such success the firm should find the customers that want to buy their products and not only one time but as more as possible. Barnes and Noble informs that it has 40 million customers and 27% share of the eBook market and sells eBooks in three times more than physical books online. According to the 2010 American Customer Satisfaction Index the Barnes and Noble company is the leader in the retail category for customer satisfaction. Main aim of the Barnes and Nobles company is to be the largest online bookstore and offer the most options of any Internet bookstore, and it is in a few steps to meet this objective.

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