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Effective Leadership

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Free «Effective Leadership» Essay Sample

Every project or program that has to be fruitful need a guide who is capable of influencing the team to work and walk towards the goal(s). Leadership is an inevitable concept in every aspect where teamwork comes to play. In this respect, the leader(s) must carry the mantle and utilize it appropriately with the aim of accomplishing goals to the expected level and quality. Failure of a team will always be attributed to poor group cohesion emanating from poor leadership. With the contemporary business and social arena full of stiff competition, the quality of leadership becomes a consummate measure of success or crumble of an institution, project or program.

Effective leaders pose some qualities that arch them a spur; thus gaining the trust and pride of their followers. Followers pursue the dreams and visions orchestrated by these leaders since they believe in their leadership and live to witness every dream and goal come true. This does not verbatim imply that these leaders trend on a smooth path inept of obstacles or failures, no but they are quick to note downfall as challenges, which opt to be overcome rather than avoided. These obstacles do not deter, skew or frustrate effective leaders in their trail of profound and admirable performance. An effective leader manages to craft visions and set attainable goals, which keep the team alive and focused. They are good motivators who consistently, persistently and convincingly rejuvenate the morale of the team luring them to be committed to their bestowed responsibilities. In addition, effective leaders take calculated risks and resign to their decisions to proof them wrong (Kehler, 2012).

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All these attributes cannot thrive in a medium devoid of good communication. Effective leaders need to communicate their visions and ideas in an effective approach that will enable followers to believe in their dreams. It is only with vivid understanding of a vision that followers will commit and dedicate themselves fully towards achievement of these objectives. It should be noted that acts of poor communication such as use of force and coercion will dwindle team morale and commitment; thus poor performance. With good communication skills, effective leaders manage the role of team building with ease escalating group success (Kehler, 2012).

In conclusion, effective leaders must be good in crafting vision, motivating, team builders, good communicators, risk takers, and persistent, in pursuit of set goals. 

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