Prejudices, as understood by many, refer to a cultural attitude that usually rests on the negative or unnecessary stereotypes on individuals. Prejudice is an action that affects other people’s life, mainly psychologically. Based on the history of the United States, prejudices can be seen as one of the factors that greatly influence historical records. First, it discourages always to read about certain practices and problems faced by other people due to prejudices. An example of a prejudice is the belief that all Asians are terrorist. This makes history fail to attain its role which is clearly bettering the society compared to the previous ones. It definitely affects historical records because of its unlikelihood of ending. Having in mind that something is wrong will never change one’s view on the same people.
It is not fair to judge the presidents who lived a long time ago. For one, some of them underwent through the same discrimination by opponents and some even ended up being killed. Prejudice is something intact in a person’s brain. It requires proper unification of the people doing it and those who suffer from it. An example is John F. Kennedy and his killing. He was an upright man, ensured equality and economic revolution in the US but nothing actually changed.
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The slave record of the president matters a lot as we do not know what the presidents did to the slaves. It is good for evaluation purposes. I would also like to have upper-hand information from a relative who went through slavery, if I have any, to understand deeply about this issue.
Yes. Andrew Jackson should be $20 bill due to the following reasons: first, he was a slave trader, as well as a slave holder. Secondly, Jackson was a white supremacist. He also opposed paper currency. The 20$ bill is thus not necessary.
No. I do not favor United States government’s reparations on the slavery issue because of the bad history of slavery in America.