I concur to the fact that the local government puts too much pressure. The occurred problems in the society are the result of the local government strong pressure. The following information confirms presence of the pressure. The level of qualitative education has lowered because of the pressure exerted on the schools. The number of schools decreased which led to the increase of the number of students in class; that resulted in growth of class-carrying capacity. The quality of learning consequently changed due to changes in the population. The right of the society for education has been outraged by the local government by raising its pressure on schools. The accumulation of local social housing in the cities of Britain revealed the housing problem. The cause of the congestion was in bad living conditions and grown number cars in the cities; this was the result of the local government’s bad planning.
The economy of the cities of Britain was filled because of the raised pressure of the local government on them. Most of the holdings have gone private by the local governments and it should have resulted in profits growth in the settlements. The privatized to clubs Stadiums have decreased profit distribution thus putting taxes for individuals up. This led to decrease of population income. The bad local policies resulted in absence of international capital expenditures; these led to cities’ slack development therefore economic problems occurred. The local government’s exerted impact resulted in pressure on the already built environment. The accumulation of vehicles besides the automobiles led to the conflict of the quality of the artificial environment. The poor impact of the local government industries, in other words pollution, caused concern on the environment of Britain.
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The parliament of the government of the UK delegates different duties to handle by the local government of the United Kingdom. The absence of well-developed government resulted in control by the central government. The structure of organization is compound; functions of organization differ from place to place. Varied functions are performed by either the one-tier or the two-tier local government in nine regions. The two-tier local government consists of a county council and couple of district councils that have varied tasks. The strategic control of the educational system, waste management strategies and formation of some other plans is performed by the county council. The district council pays attention to “the housing systems and policies, local planning and waste collection systems” (Influence). The district council consists of parishes that are to pay attention to allocations, parking and public parks management. All the positions in the local government field are filled through elections. Due to that fact the local government tries to underline its policies efficiency in numerous aspects of social life of the population, estimating its key role in society’s development. Nevertheless, the poor impact of the local governments policies in different aspects of life and management of utilities, for example, transportation system or schooling, is proved, and policies are believed o be inefficient. Most of the people are not satisfied with the housing system; besides, the society’s development is restrained by the policies of land usage.
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The inefficient thus strong influence of the local government is exerted in the spheres of social housing, bus transportation, schools. People who face certain financial problems are stimulated by the local government to settle in the social houses. The system provides low-cost rent-payments for economically challenged people in such expensive places to live in like London. The demand for a place of residence is constantly growing, keeping citizens out of streets. This social housing initiative provides homeless people with a place of living, and it is supported by non-profit organizations. The level of initial support of the accommodation program was high enough, hence governments was out of supply of settlements. The charitable nature of the local governments’ policy could not provide homeless people with houses in private sector. The lack of houses led to real estate investments growth; and those investments were made by the future tenants. They were provided with the right to acquire the social housing which had not yet been built. For many of them it was an opportunity they could not miss. Still years pass before potential social tenants can settle themselves in the housing, which is absolutely inconvenient for the investors.
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The funds distributed to the local governments for the development of the UK are not solemnly managed by them; all financial transactions are to be revised by the parliament of the Government. The private housing investment sphere develops slowly due to the monopoly of the social housing policy. Nevertheless, investments into the private housing are yet to raise as social housing householders have already bought their apartments, yet they haven’t got it. So they need a place to live in. These facts estimate the inefficiency of local governments housing policy. This policy resulted in prevention of “economic an infrastructural development” (Influence). According to the statistics, the number of registered homeless people is about 1.8 million people. None the less, the list of those waiting for a place to live at is long enough, so many families are desperate, concerning the conditions they live at, for they will hardly have a possibility to reach their turn in the waiting list. The allocation of the available social houses is based on the local governments programs. First of all those who have serious health disorders, economic challenges, different social complications will get homes for their families. People with different kind of problems are differentiated into groups within certain geographical regions. Consequently, cases of settling people in groups in certain regions take place. This could be justified by different forms of antisocial behavior or some common diseases. People who face economic challenges do not have proper economic possibilities to solve them, and proper environment to manage them. People who live in that kind of reservation feel sort of discriminated, as they live in a sort of quarantine from the rest of the people who are healthy, “socially and economically stable” (Influence). That happens because of lack of social housing and possibilities to better their living conditions. The desire to help others, motivation for further actions and skills to manage the situation is limited within the region of part-time settlement. The national economic and social health programs suffer immensely from the local government policies. The development of social houses program was made without consideration of its efficiency. The demands of the building system lacks funds provided for the households buildings. The community is divided into those successful and socially and economically challenged; those who have no houses for the households are built in amazing snail-paced manner (Kapoor, 2011). The rehabilitation of homeless people and the development of their housing is hampered by their settlements in one certain place. The private sector investments cannot deal with subsidization of services by the local government in a fashion similar to the Wal-Mart effect in the US (Harvey & Jowsey, 2000). The local government’s policy proves to be unreliable an inefficient.
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For a long period of time the most popular means of transportation in UK remains the bus. The public control of the industry became evident after it had been decreased during the governmental control. The transport sector was to be improved after its privatization and deregulation in the United Kingdom, after the Thatcher government signed proper laws. To rise up the level of bus transport usage the sphere was deregulated. The bus transport was uplifted by the Transport Act of 1985. The employees and the former managers of the National bus company and the Scottish transport group bought most of the saleable units of the former government-controlled companies. The bus transportation industry liberties can be changed (decreased or expanded) within their geographical region of control. They can also change the routes within the responsive geographical region. The management of the bus transport company can state fares and services, and it requires an operating license to function. The bus transport companies of London and Northern Ireland left the companies under governmental control, because they had to retain the complex distribution in those geographical regions. The bus transport program managed to raise the level of bus usage within the UK, and this completely agreed the government’s idea of privatizing the industry. The private managerial companies had the opportunity of practical approach of efficient management; it was more efficient than the governmental one. Private bus transport companies practice varied managerial strategies. The dynamic managerial strategies conclude the rise of profits. “To this extent, the local government did not have any stakes in the bus transport until 2000, on the signing of the Transport Act 2000” (Influence).
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The deleterious impact of the local governments on the bus transport regulation is obvious. The distorted managerial process of bus transportation is to have delicate strategies in regulation. The signed law underlined the council’s desire to have the same privileges and liberties as the Mayor of London does. Fares are controlled by the local governments. The main goal for Transport Company is customer’s satisfaction, and poor service leads to operating license withdrawal. The local government also states routes and fares according to the demands on responsive routes. The efficiency of service delivery is also evaluated through punctuality. The consolidation of technology in the transport systems is controlled by the local government. The only reason to improve the transport industry is to satisfy customers through evaluating the service. Through the years the evaluation process affected the industry in a good way. This proves the effectiveness of duties’ centralization. Nevertheless, fares stating by the local governments is proved to be disadvantageous for the bus transport companies. The competition in the bus industry will stunt the development of the bus transport industry (Lucas, 2004). Due to the great impact of the local governments in the UK on the transport industry, decisions of the government are hard to be predicted. This leads to insufficient development of the industry.
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The schooling and children services are overseen by the Local Education Authority that manages allocations and money given in the region. LEA pays attention to school admission process and school staff selection. The board decides the possibility of inclusive teaching. They are the despondent owners of school property within community school (Burton & Bartlett, 2012). Parents and staff play no managerial role. The requirements to the education do not correspond to the factual results. Internal school problems are not solved without LEA. These result in underperformance of educational system. Another reason for not coping with the educational program is insufficient funding. There is no independence in this case, and this makes adaptation with the prevailing situations in schools impossible (Influence).