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Article Review

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Free «Article Review» Essay Sample

The article, Labeur and Paresse: Ideological Representation of Medieval Peasant Labor, talks about the discrimination that became trendy during the medieval period. The article generally talks about the social structure of the landowners and peasants during the stated period. The article uses various sources including other articles written and compiled by other writers and historians. One of the documents mostly used in the article is the Tres Riches Heures 

Based on the article, the twelve calendar miniature solely depends on the occupational medieval cycle of the months. The Webster has played a significant role in tracing iconography to the end of the 12th century. The two sources outline clearly the existence of discriminatory practices during the 12th century as evidenced by the time period displayed in the Roman calendar. Despite the fact that the three of the Limbourg brothers died before the completion of their work in 1416, existence of the French Illuminator Jean did a significant role in the completion of the work left incomplete.

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The author also talks of the cycle being posted on the Liturgical church year calendar. These had precedence on the Psalters, Mass books, as well as Books of hours. In the manuscripts, however, the calendar scenes did come first preceding the expected narrative image sequence. With the sculpture, the scenes are subordinated in the subject matter hierarchy and consequently typically seem to be smaller in terms of scale as placed in the calendar’s text page. Ponofsky is another serious contributor to this article. He talks of the warmness of the Duke as well as his court in the then France and England. The author also suggests to the readers not to interpret Northern realism through the nudity explicit but through the ideological representation. From the above illustrations, it is lucidly true that representation of female discrimination is in different forms.

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