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Conception of Creation and Divinity in Gatha of Choice

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Free «Conception of Creation and Divinity in Gatha of Choice» Essay Sample

Yasna’ 30 is a hymn that creates the idea of worship and living according to the expectations of the Sovereign God. The reading gives a clear indication of how Christians must live and widely elaborates on the effects of living rightfully or deviating from the commandments. Creation and divinity are themes illustrated in the gatha that inform Christians about their spiritual lives. Divinity is portrayed by the involvement of God in the everyday life of people and the presence of the Holy Spirit among the righteous. The hymn therefore gives the reader an idea of choices Christians make and their consequences.

A Christian should basically live a holy and modest life by making choices that please God in order to inherit His promises. On the other hand, wrong choices lead to severe consequences of being excluded from the Kingdom of God. For instance, in the Bible, it is clearly written that only the righteous will inherit the Kingdom of God (Matthew 5: 3-11). This hymn gives an insight how people are obliged to make a decision between the evil and the good. Those who choose the good are guided by the Holy Spirit while the evil spirits guide those who chose to disobey the Lord. The theme of creation is brought out where God is seen as the overall creator and must be respected as well as obeyed.

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The choices made by the righteous are clearly those that please God and they are portrayed diversely. The good people of the Lord sacrifice their bodies, souls and mind into leading a life which is holy before the eyes of the Almighty. They sacrifice by carrying out evangelistic works whereby they lead those who are living in sin into the ways of God. This is noted in the eighth stanza that evil shall be converted into righteous by those with the Holy Spirit hence bringing masses into light and expanding the Kingdom of Heaven.

However, Christians who are subjected to the pleasures of the world make wrong choices and are possessed by evil. They happen to perform such awful deeds as even killing each other. The choice to live one’s life in the wrong manner is only made by those who find it hard to exist as purely righteous people. The Sovereign Lord, as seen in the early days of creation, punishes those who anger him, as seen when Cain killed Abel in the book of Genesis. Even in the modern Christian outlook, the evil is punished in God’s own ways while the righteous are able to enjoy the abundant blessings of God.

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In conclusion, the choices Christians make in life lead to particular consequences. This hymn, Yasna’ 30, indicates the series of events that happen to one after making either of the two choices, evil or good. The righteous choose to do good and consequently receive divine blessings and are promised the Kingdom of God. The wrongdoers are given a chance to correct their mistakes and in doing so are forgiven by the Lord and join the righteous in inheriting the blessing of the Kingdom of Heaven. People that remain evil are to suffer from anger of the Lord by being punished. It is therefore crucial for all Christians to listen to what the Lord has offered in readings and scriptures and are urged to make the right choices. This helps us to understand that the Bible teaches us the way we should live as a society and understand the consequences of living as enemies. Finally, Christians have a vital role to play in ensuring that we live harmonious and righteous life (Dobbs-Mickus, 2011) 

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