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Dissertation Interim Report

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Dissertation Interim Report

In the interim dissertation report, you need to tell about your research and attract the attention of readers to the most important things in your paper. It is necessary to demonstrate your results at each stage of your research.

To do this properly, you need a special order of presentation of what has been done and what has been achieved. Such a report has a clear standard structure

Structure of the Interim Report


The introduction is a small chapter, which reports on the relevance of the problem and formulates the purpose of the work.

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Literature Review

The literature review is not just the enumeration of other people’s articles and retelling their content in your own words; it also has a purpose of preparing the reader to what will be said by you later.

If the work involves several areas and different topics, you have to look and analyze publications on all these themes and spheres. The narrow subject area should be studied in the most detail and covered in your literature review. You should be an expert in this particular field of knowledge.

Methods of Research

The method of research is what the researcher has in his or her arsenal. The author describes exactly the method he or she uses. Other methods are described in the literature review.

The course of the experiment should also be described here. The description should be clear, so that other researchers can repeat this experiment and make sure that the results they get are the same as yours are.

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This part of the report should consist of:

  • Tables of data
  • Verbal description of each table. The description draws the attention of the reader to the important facts in the table. Remember that the reader may not notice quite obvious and understandable things without your comments.
  • Chart based on the table. The diagram gives more visibility and facilitates the perception of all sorts of differences.
  • Verbal description of the diagram. The description draws the reader’s attention to the most important things in the diagram.
  • Summarizing conclusions after each description

The Discussion of the Results

The researcher puts forward a hypothesis, enters into polemics with other scholars, argues or, on the contrary, agrees with others in this part of the report.

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Due to the practical recommendations, the scientific work and the interim report acquire special significance and completeness. This part of the report shows why the dissertation is useful for the society.


Conclusions should correspond to the topic, purpose, and objectives of the research, which were put forward by you at the beginning of the report.


The abstract is the meaning of the whole research given in a very short volume. You can write about the most interesting results obtained in the study process.

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