Do you know that eating healthy food you can improve your immune system? Not only your immune system – it will also do good for your muscles, bones, heart, lungs, and all other parts of your body. It’s also useful for your brain – the central organ. Eating specific types of food, you can not only maintain your physical and mental health but also enhance the functioning of your brain!
- Choose whole grains. Energy is crucial for the small computer inside your head. Nothing more can provide it with energy than whole grains, such as rye, oats, brown rice, wheat, buckwheat, and others. Eating them, you’ll be able to better focus on your work and do everything you need. It happens because whole grains saturate your blood with glucose and keep you alert.
- Eat healthy fats. Your body needs the regular supply of essential fatty acids that can be obtained from chia seeds, flaxseeds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, soya beans, and some kinds of oily fish (such as salmon, trout, mackerel, herring, etc). These kinds of food will boost the work of your brain, improve the state of your bones and joints, and help you better overcome stress.
- Eat blueberries. There are multiple vitamins and minerals contained in blueberries, as well as in dark red fruits and vegetables. Apart from everything else, these nutrients boost your memory and prevent memory loss.
- Consume tomatoes. If you want to keep a healthy diet, tomatoes should be in it. The antioxidants they have protect your cells from damage and reduce the possibility of Alzheimer’s disease.
- Take advantage of pumpkin seeds. B vitamins, magnesium, zinc, and tryptophan are the elements contained in pumpkin seeds. They will improve your memory, mood, and thinking skills, reducing your stress at the same time.
- Snack on blackcurrant. The vitamin C contained in blackcurrant (as well as citrus fruits, peas, broccoli, berries, and red peppers) will boost your productivity and brain power.
- Don’t forget about broccoli. It’s one of the crucial brain boosters as it is rich in glucosinolates that help protect your nervous system and vitamin K that enhances your cognitive function.
- Add sage to your diet. You can add it to your salad, eggs, omelet, or at least use sage oil. This simple thing will boost your concentration and memory and help your immune system.
- Remember about nuts. All nuts are high in vitamin E. It means that consuming them you can avoid mental decline. Other products that are rich in this vitamin are seeds, whole grains, eggs, olives, and leafy green vegetables.
- Pay attention to B-rich foods. Those are leafy greens, cheese, eggs, and fish. Consuming these foods will help you reduce the risk of cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s disease, and stroke.
Add all these healthy foods to your diet and soon you’ll see the improvements in your health and productivity. To make it even better, exercise every day and train your brain. It is that simple!