Our agency offering a term paper service does everything possible to provide reliable guarantees to meet the most demanding standards of quality service and customer care. All customers who buy term papers from our service are protected by our Revision Policy, Money-Back Guarantee, Authenticity Guarantee, Privacy Policy, and Terms and Conditions. It is essential that you learn more about your rights and responsibilities, so we strongly recommend that you check our policies and guarantees for updates from time to time.

Money-Back Guarantee
Under our Money-Back Guarantee, everyone who buys custom essays from Essays-Professors.com has the right to request a refund at any moment if something is wrong with the order. You might encounter a variety of problems, and we are here to defend your interests and rights. We have managed to achieve and maintain a high level of customer satisfaction, and the cases of full refund are quite rare. However, if you still think that your work does not meet your academic specifications, you are free to ask for a refund. Please, pay attention that a refund application should be submitted within two weeks after the project has been done. It is important to present strong arguments concerning your refund. Explain what requirements have not been taken into account by the writer. Each case is analyzed by the specialists of our Refund Department within 3-4- business days. It is necessary to admit that refund applications regarding plagiarism issues are not restricted in time. Nevertheless, a customer has to send us a comprehensive report on plagiarism proving that the received order contains copied parts.
Revision Policy
Our term paper service takes pride in being able to provide unparalleled writing help. We are also here to revise your paper if you feel that it does not meet some of your requirements. If you want your writer to implement the required modifications in your paper, please submit your request for a revision within 2 days (the papers including 1-19 pages) after the imposed deadline has expired. Note that there is a month for revising large orders (20+ pages). Do not forget to provide plausible explanations as to the paper aspects that have to be revised. Our customers are always satisfied with the quality of services they get from us. No matter which type of paper you order from us, it will be completed accordingly and always on time!
Privacy Policy
You can read more about our privacy principles on the “Privacy Policy” page. Please, visit this page to learn how we collect and manage your information. We can use this information to manage and improve the layout or content of our official webpage. We never disclose any information collected from you for the financial transaction or order processing purposes. No third party will have access to your personal information (please visit our “Privacy Policy” page to get more information).
Authenticity Guarantee
Essays-Professors.com is the company that checks every single paper with the help of advanced plagiarism-checking software. We want to be sure that you get the best writing projects from our agency, so you will receive the finished paper only after it is checked for plagiarism. Our plagiarism detection software is constantly updated to make sure it produces accurate results when scanning texts. That is why you can be confident that everything written by Essays-Professors.com is original. If you request, our support team can send you a plagiarism report along with your order (please note that a plagiarism report is a paid option). Our writers are not tolerant towards plagiarism, and even if they happen to have a word of plagiarism in their papers, our QA specialists will address the problem immediately. We guarantee sophisticated protection against plagiarism 24/7!
Terms and Conditions
Every time you submit personal information and place an order at Essays-Professors.com, you also agree that the papers you receive are meant for non-commercial use only. All our papers are created by advanced writing professionals, working for our term paper service (please look through our “Terms and Conditions” to be well aware of all details).
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No Resold Papers!
When it goes about our custom essay writing company, ethical standards are one of the primary criteria we are focused on. At Essays-Professors.com, we never resell any custom papers created for a specific customer. You can be certain that your work will belong to you only.
Today, you can order quality essays, research papers, book reviews and even dissertations without a word of plagiarism from Essays-Professors.com. You will receive outstanding writing projects in almost 70 subjects!
When using our writing services, you can be sure that none of your professors or anyone else will find out about our online deal. Therefore, do not hesitate to address us in case professional assistance with your writing projects is needed.